Day 4: All You Need Is Love {free printable!!}

All You Need Is Love Free Printable #loveprintable #allyouneedislove #freeprintable #valentine #twelveOeightblog


Hello from the house of runny noses and coughs, I seem to forget that we always catch a cold in early January.
Similar to forgetting exactly how fun it is to give birth, get a root canal, or cough until you pee your pants…

Our New Year Week of Sickness has blindsided me yet again, and boy is it a hoot.

But fear not!

While I may be a few days behind in our No/Low Spend Challenge for January I have a pretty thing for you
today.  I bet you will forgive me if I tell you how awesome this looks printed out and framed.

And it really is totally appropriate for all year, but this mentions love, so it’s totes Valentines Day-ish too!
While deep down I know that we need a few things in addition to love, I believe that love is the greatest of
all things, and because of it you and I are alive, have joy, and live in this beautiful world.

Plus I am a Beatles fan, it’s genetic.

My Mom saw them in Seattle when she was like 15 or 16.  She said they were tiny from her seat, but
she still loved them and was fairly certain she would fall in love and marry one of them.  Not that any
of the other billion girls there weren’t thinking the same.  A girls gotta dream.

In keeping with our Challenge I wanted you to be able to give your walls, desk or bookcase some splashy
watercolor love by making this free printable! Just click the image and print, it will automatically print
out as an 8″ x 10″.  I think I am going to look around here for a gold frame.  Or, maybe I will use my personal
favorite, a gold spray-painted clipboard like this one:

#DollarStoreCraft #Upcycle #Office #Modern #Herringbone #DIY #twelveOeightblog

click HERE for directions

Well I am outta here for now, I have more doorknobs and surfaces to disinfect in hopes that we will recover
more quickly.  Yes, that is probably not the way it works but it makes me feel better, so you know…play along ok?

Love you SO, that you for following along, I will be back next to show you how I cleaned up and upgraded a
common household item to look awesome for free!

All You Need Is Love Free Printable #loveprintable #allyouneedislove #freeprintable #valentine #twelveOeightblog

If you missed the last few posts for our No/Low Spend Challenge here they are:

Day 3: How Long Should I Keep Paperwork For?

Day 2: Enchilada Quinoa Casserole

Day 1: Pantry + Freezer Inventory Printable


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3 Responses

  1. First, Stop disinfecting every surface in your house. The little germs that you get from touching things are the kind you want to get – they help build up your immune system all year long. Anti-bacterial and “sanitary” products just kill off those little germs leaving you completely defenseless when the big guys come along. Wash things that touch food with water hot enough to hurt (wear gloves) and keep your home reasonably clean and you are fine. Common expression in our grandmothers’ time was “you have to eat a pound of dirt before you die” meaning not to worry about a little dirt or a few germs because it is all a part of life.

    Second, take herbs like Echinacea, Ginsing and Ginko Biloba or simply purchase a product like “Cold Effects” which contains all three plus more to boost your immune system. If you do get a cold, follow instructions on the box of cold effects which will cut your sick time in half (approximately).

    Third, don’t go ballistic with engagements over the holidays. cut down on stress during this busy season and make sure you eat healthy as well as indulge. By stressing out over the holidays and over-sanitizing you weaken your immune system and that is possibly why you get sick every January. Mind you, I have no idea how you actually live, so this is all speculation and food for thought.

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