Hustle Printable + never giving up

The Dream Is Free the Hustle is Sold Separately Free Printable #hustle #hustlequote #motivation #dreams #everyday #twelveOeightblog

When I was a little girl, I was convinced that I was Dianna Ross.

With my hairbrush in hand, I would sing my guts out, standing on my bed,
waving and blowing kisses to all of my adoring fans.

They were so supportive, those invisible fans.  They never told me that I couldn’t do something.

A few years later, I was introduced to my first pair of legwarmers, and Flashdance came out.
I had a new passion, it was dance.  And I was going to be a professional dancer.
And live in a converted warehouse, and have a cool dog.  And a cute boyfriend.

Fashion design & marketing came along, and well, I hoped to have my own runway show
at some point.  In the meantime I could rock the largest shoulder pads to be found.
And some sweet hot pink lipstick.

I traded my legwarmers for a hot glue gun, and a huge supply of beads, and well the rest is crafty history.
The threads were always there, even if the thing I was focused on was different.
The desire to create, make, write, and share never changed.  It’s that passion that we hold on to so tightly.

Because that drive is where our heart is, what keeps us awake at night, and where our thoughts wander.
I’ve never been one to really choose a huge resolution, I know I will make it and keep it when I am ready,
that tends to happen not on a specific day.

I wish for you a year that is real, and is a healer, and a guide to show you those early snapshots
of what you wanted to do, and be.

They really aren’t that far off, and you may see threads of today, and things you love woven more tightly
to the past, maybe some pain, and usually a little suffering too.

Somehow all of those experiences are woven together and can work beautifully together.
The struggle, the breakthrough, taking a deep breath (or 40) and forge on, remembering our dreams,
and keeping the hustle on towards them.


(Click on the image above and your free printable will be ready to print as an 8″ x 10″ !!)

I’m excited about our No Spend Challenge starting January 1st as well, be watching for our first project a
couple days before.  It will be a great way to kick off a new year, in a thrifty way!

Sequin Fabric for party Birthday and Wedding Photography

Don’t forget to grab your Free Hustle Printable…

And keep on going, because we are sometimes surprised by how close we are to breaking through.
Wishing you a wonderful, creative day, blessings to you friend!

human hair wigs

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Welcome to twelveOeight! I’m Tanya and I am so glad you are here. If you are ready to start loving the home you have now, then join me on my mission. One thrifty project at a time we can make our today homes our dream homes.

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