Warm Coconut Sugar Scrub Recipe

Coconut Sugar Scrub Recipe twelveOeightblog.com #sugarscrub #howtomakebodyscrub #diysugarscrub #scrubrecipe #twelveOeightblog

It’s the middle of February and many of us are ready for some sun and a break from
bitter cold temperatures.  Y’all back East are covered in many feet of snow, and we have
had enough rain for a century in the Pacific Northwest.

One thing for sure is, our hands and feet get especially dry this time of year.

I spend so much of my time painting, sanding or hammering stuff that my cuticles and
hands tend to look pretty sad at the end of the day.

Coconut oil is one of my favorite oils to cook with and has tons of awesome health benefits
as well.  So I figured I could make a body scrub out of it too.

I am glad I did, after just a day of using it a couple times at the kitchen sink, my palms are
soft and cuticles don’t look like the Sahara!

Warm Coconut Sugar Scrub Recipe twelveOeightblog.com #sugarscrub #scrubrecipe #bodyscrub #coconutscrub #homemadescrub #twelveOeightblog

It’s so quick to put together it’s hardly a recipe! But here it is, and since coconut oil will
return to it’s natural hardened state when cool, warm the oil up in the microwave before
you mix it together, then store your scrub in a little mason jar or microwave safe container.

I turn on the shower and heat up my scrub for about 30 irecseconds & it’s ready to use.
And it smeDlls like I am on a tropical island soaking up the warm afternoon sun without
a care in the world.

Yep, that’s how it smells.

You are your soft skin can thank me later, we have a scrub to make…

Coconut Sugar Scrub Recipe:

  • 1 cup of white granulated sugar
  • 1/2 cup of coconut oil (melt in the microwave so it will blend with sugar)
  • 1 teaspoon of coconut extract


Combine melted coconut oil with sugar and extract in a small mixing bowl.  Reheat before
use, or if just using on a small area, remove a small spoonful from the jar and mix in with a
bit of warm water between hands and apply.
For overall application, warm container and stir before use.


Coconut Sugar Scrub Recipe twelveOeightblog.com #sugarscrub #howtomakebodyscrub #diysugarscrub #scrubrecipe #twelveOeightblog

It smells SO good! Now I am really ready for summer, if the weather would cooperate I would
be putting out the tiki torches and setting out the patio furniture.
Warm weather can’t be too far away, for now we can be satisfied with smelling like sweet
coconut and having nice soft skin!!

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